How to Polish Epoxy Resin

Polishing resin can help restore shine to scratched resin art or bring new life to an old piece. The process is relatively simple, but it does take some patience and a bit of knowledge.

The first step in the polishing process is to sand your art. Read our sanding guide for more information.


If your resin pieces are lightly scratched or have a dull/murky finish, polishing them may help them look brand new again. This is a lengthy process that requires patience and attention to detail, but the final result is worth it!

Start by sanding your resin pieces with the coarsest grit sandpaper that you have available. It is important to sand all of the surfaces of your pieces, including the edges. This will help remove any blemishes that are caused by handling or dipping your resin in too quickly.

After sanding your resin, you can begin to polish it using a resin-suitable polishing compound. There are many different types of these products available, so be sure to experiment with them and find one that works best for your resin. Products that are marketed as wood polishing compounds or automobile polishes often work well on resin.

To polish your resin, apply a small amount of the polishing compound to a microfiber cloth and carefully rub it over your piece. This will create a high-gloss finish that looks like glass! Be sure to use careful, circular movements and take your time. When you are done, wipe off any remaining compound and check your piece for any areas that need more polishing. If needed, repeat the buffing process until your piece is shiny and glossy!

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If you’re not happy with the crystal-clear finish of your epoxy resin creation, polishing can give it a beautiful shine and smooth surface. This technique also helps remove bubbles, uneven surfaces and other imperfections to leave a glassy-like finish.

Polishing resin is similar to sanding, but the grits are finer and you don’t have to remove as much material. This process requires patience and attention, but the results can be quite rewarding. Before you start, make sure your resin is fully cured and that it has been cleaned thoroughly. This is important because sanding marks and grit can sometimes be trapped between the epoxy layers. You’ll also need the following items:

To achieve a high-gloss finish on your resin creation, you’ll need a foam polishing pad attached to a polisher, available at most auto-parts or hardware stores. Additionally, a quality high-gloss polishing compound, often in clear liquid or paste form, is essential. Many products suitable for wood polishing are also effective for epoxy, such as certain types of automobile polish.

Here’s how to proceed:

    1. Apply a small amount of polishing compound onto the foam polishing pad.
    2. Using circular motions, gently rub the pad over your resin creation. Take care not to exert too much pressure, especially around corners and edges.
    3. For straight surfaces and edges, using a wooden block can help ensure even polishing.
    4. After each application of polishing compound, wipe off any residue with a microfiber cloth to reveal the desired glossy finish.


If your resin pieces have a dull appearance, it may be time to polish them again. This process can help restore the shine to objects such as flower petal resin charms, jewelry, coasters and more. It can also clear away surface-level scratches from surfaces coated in doming resin (a type of thick, self-leveling epoxy that works best on paintings, countertops or other flat surfaces).

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To polish resin, you’ll need a polishing paste or liquid designed specifically for this purpose. It will usually have a small amount of grit in it, which helps to smooth out rough areas and make them shiny again. It should be applied liberally to your resin surface, with careful, circular movements. You may not see a difference immediately, but continue to rub until you do notice a change.

Alternatively, you can use a buffing drill or rotary tool with a polishing attachment to achieve the same results. Be sure to avoid applying too much pressure or over-sanding, as this can damage the resin and create a cloudy appearance.

Another option is to purchase a resin gloss sealer. These sprays are available in most hardware stores and can be used to coat a glossy finish onto your epoxy resin. They’re a great choice for quickly adding a protective layer to your finished epoxy resin piece, so that it can be handled and displayed with ease.


Using a resin-suitable polishing compound like Flitz will clear away surface dullness from things such as coasters, keychains, and other resin jewelry. Apply a small amount to the resin, then use a microfiber cloth to intensely rub it in. Continue rubbing for a minute or two, then check to see how it’s looking. If it’s still not shiny enough, repeat the process until it is.

Resin and epoxy are toxic, so it’s important to take steps to protect your skin while working with them. Wearing disposable gloves and long sleeves is one way to prevent exposure. If you do get epoxy resin on your skin, wash it immediately with soap and water. If it has already cured, try applying vinegar with a paper towel until the resin softens and comes off your skin. Rubbing alcohol is another option, but you should avoid stronger solvents like acetone or isopropyl alcohol unless you’re in a well-ventilated area.

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It’s also essential to keep your tools and work surfaces clean while working with resin. If you don’t want to buy dedicated cleaning products, just wipe everything down with a cheap material that resin won’t stick to (such as an old vinyl table cloth or even an old shower curtain). Then use regular detergent and water to clean the tools and jugs.

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